Pastor Zac

I very clearly heard the Lord call me to lead worship the Summer before I turned 13 at Camp Cullisaja in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Shortly after, I joined a Christian band and traveled around the southeast playing the keyboards for the next four years. After graduating high school I studied music with an emphasis on jazz for a year at what is now Southeastern University (then college). After taking a semester off, I packed my bags for New England (too long and divine of a story for the battery life on your handheld device or laptop; if you really want to hear it and you have some vacation days saved up, just ask me sometime and I’ll tell you), where I enrolled at Zion Bible College for the Winter semester of 2005.
Three of the best years of my life later, I graduated, married the best girl in the world, and continued leading worship at South Attleboro Assembly of God, where I had been serving as worship pastor in the Summer of 2006.
After leaving South Attleboro in February of 2011, the Lord led Ashley and I to begin a new ministry, which at the time, we did not realize was a church plant in the making. We hadn’t planned on planting or pastoring a church, and were more than a little surprised when it happened, but could not deny the Lord’s call on us to continue our ministry with this group. Over the next several months (the first months of our existence as a church), the Lord revealed Himself over and over, each time more confirming for us than the last, that we were indeed hearing Him, and He has graciously continued to find favor on the people and ministry of His Providence Church to this day.