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What is service like?

Well, the first thing that might stand out is that we start our services with quite a bit more worship than the average church.  We believe the Father is worthy of all the praise we can give Him, and that these corporate times of worship are a huge part of how He interacts with us—so we make worship a huge part of our services.

Another common element in an HPC service is the practice of spiritual gifts.  We believe that through the Holy Spirit, the Lord is still actively leading, speaking, and ultimately ministering to and through, every believer.  Making room for the operation of these gifts not only empowers our community to walk in the fullness of what the Father has for us, but it also challenges us to grow in our ability to receive from Him in a


broad spectrum. our community to walk in the fullness of what the Father has for us, but it also challenges us to grow in our ability to receive from Him in a broad spectrum.  This most often looks like someone coming down to the front, being handed a microphone, and sharing something they feel the Lord has put on their heart for the corporate body.

You can also expect a very laid back service.  We don’t mind babies crying, or folks taking bathroom breaks.  The sermons are usually a combination of scripture, experience, and humor...and while they aren’t written to make you feel better about yourself, knowing more of the Father’s Heart after each message should have that effect anyway.

We don’t pass a plate or take up a collection.  The principle of giving tithes and offerings is taught and encouraged as it brings our finances into alignment with the Lord; however, we’re not too concerned with who’s giving or who’s not, and how much.

And finally,  every week 600 hundred people come together to love God and love each other.  It’s a like a giant family reunion every Sunday; we eat together, worship together, learn from each other, and grow.  And THAT, you can count on.


What can I wear?

We don’t really have a dress code. Some wear ties, some wear sweatpants, some wear shorts and t-shirts. COME AS YOU ARE! 


What if I have little ones?

Then you’re in the majority. One thing we have a lot of is kids! We have a full-service nursery for age 1 and under, along with Children's Church classes for ages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6-11. The children are dismissed to these classes partway through the praise and worship portion of the service.


We also have a middle school class, for ages 11-13, that meet after worship. The only week they do not meet is the first week of each month. We ask that they stay in the service with their parents as they begin to transition into their teenage years.


If you are visiting the church and would like to attend any of these classes with your children we encourage you to do so. If you would prefer that your children remain with you in the service we welcome that as well.

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