Thank you for your interest in Trail Life! Here is some helpful information on the program and what your next steps would be if you wanted to sign up your son(s).
Our mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Trail Life is a K-12 mentoring and discipleship program that is Christ-centered and boy-focused. It focuses on age appropriate activities, outdoor skills, making friends, father/male mentor relationships, and most importantly, developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
What to Expect:
Weekly meetings:
Most Wednesdays 6-7:30pm at His Providence Church (Swansea, MA). Boys will focus on activities within their rank and badge requirements.
Trailmen will learn age appropriate preparation for various outdoor activities, as well as American heritage, Godly values, exercise and fitness, and other fun activities.
In addition to weekly meetings, we try to host a monthly off-site event for Woodlands (Grades K-5) called “Hit the Trail” where the boys can use the skills they’ve learned throughout the month (usually a Saturday). Occasionally our Navigators and Adventurers (Grades 6-12) will attend.
Many Woodland (Grades K-5) fathers are involved in our troop with their sons, and it is strongly encouraged, however, not required.
Father/male mentor involvement tapers off during the Navigators program (Grades 6-8, led by a Trail Master), but is still welcomed.
All fathers/male mentors of Woodland and Navigator Trailmen will need to apply to be Registered Adults in the program and undergo a background check and youth safety training.
All Trailmen in Grades 9-12 are considered Adventurers, regardless of their rank. Those high schoolers, whether working through the Navigators or Adventurers badge program, will operate independently of their fathers/male mentors, under the supervision of a Trail Life Trail Master and/or Advisor.
Membership Dues:
$99 cash or check; written to “His Providence Church”. In memo, write in “Trail Life”.
Dues will be collected in person.
Dues are used to pay for handbooks, purchase badges/awards, put towards outings and events, etc.
You may come to 2 meetings before committing. If you decide to continue, then dues can be paid then.
Handbooks will be provided to your son(s) after dues have been received.
Basic Uniform Package, includes: Shirt, Shoulder Loop, and Lanyard
Trailmen must have a uniform. (Allow a couple weeks after ordering.)
Choose the shoulder loop for your son’s age group.
Kindergarten/1st grade: Fox
2nd/3rd grade: Hawk
4th/5th grade: Mountain Lion
6th-8th grade: Navigator
9th-12th grade: Adventurer
Uniform Link (Only Uniform Shirt, Lanyard, and Shoulder Loops Required)
Other items are optional at family’s discretion.
Also, your son(s) will need to wear cargo/hiking pants or jeans as part of the uniform.
The Trail Life hat is optional, but recommended. Non-Trail Life hats are discouraged.
He must wear closed-toed shoes, a belt, and shirts must be tucked in.
Please contact Chris at costachris84@gmail.com if you are interested in Trail Life. We will let you know when our next meeting is and you are welcome to come check it out. If you need any more information or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Walk Worthy,
Trail Life Troop MA-0001